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What kind of tissues does Vetscope Pathology analyse?

Vetscope Pathologie offers histopathological analyses of incisional and excisional biopsies of the skin and inner organs, including eyes, teeth and bones. The latter tissues are treated with specific fixation and decalcification solutions in order to obtain an optimized analysis result. This processing may prolong the analysis period for several days.

Normal (non-pathological) claw and hoof horn is usually too hard to process to histopathological specimens. However, with pathological processes the horn may soften up and may possibly be suitable for a histopathological analysis. Native claw horn may be submitted for fungal culture. Please don't hesitate to contact Vetscope Pathologie if you have any question.

Why are prices related to the size of the tissue specimen submitted?

Bigger samples usually cause more efforts in terms of trimming, processing to histopathological specimens and histopathological evaluation time by the pathologist. In particular with tumors, Vetscope Pathologie puts a major focus on correct classification, grading and evaluation of the excision margins. This can only be achieved if the tumor tissues and excision margins are adequately represented on the histopathological specimens, and causes more time, efforts, and examination costs.



Is there a reduced price for concurrent cytological and histopathological analyses?

Vetscope Pathologie charges a reduced price for the cytological analysis when samples of the same patient for concurrent cytological and histopathological analyses are submitted.

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