Martina Dettwiler
Dr. med. vet. | DECVP | FVH Pathologie
Owner and manager
A passionate veterinary pathologist with a special expertise in dermatopathology and tumor pathology from over 10 years in private veterinary practice, private diagnostic laboratory and university
Curriculum vitae
since 2021 |
2020 |
2016 – 2021 |
2015 – 2016 |
2015 |
2014 – 2015 |
2011 – 2014 |
2010 – 2013 |
2007 – 2009 |
2006 |
Vetscope Pathologie Dettwiler, Riehen, CH
Cytology, histopathology, necropsies, lab animal pathology
Research sabbatical with Prof. Amy C. Durham and Prof. E. Mauldin at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Research project on prognostic markers for canine cutaneous lymphomas
Oberassistentin at the Institute of Animal Pathology, University of Bern, CH
Dermatopathology, general biopsy and necropsy diagnostics, and various research projects on prognostic markers in various canine tumors
Anatomic pathologist at Idexx Diavet, Bäch, CH
Biopsy and cytology diagnostics
Research stay at The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL
Research assistant at the Institute of Animal Pathology, University of Bern, CH
Research on chemotherapy resistance of mouse mammary tumors as a model for human breast cancer
ECVP Residency at the Institute of Veterinary Pathology, University of Zürich, CH
Specialization in anatomic veterinary pathology (histopathology, necropsy, cytology), internationnally accepted as European Veterinary Specialist in pathology
Doctoral thesis (Dr. med. vet.) at the Institute of Veterinary Pathology, University of Zürich, CH
Apoptosis-related proteins in canine lymphomas
Assistant veterinary general practitioner with Drs. Fürer/Spühler, Frauenfeld, and Drs. Schär/Wick, Affeltrangen, CH
State exam in Veterinary Medicine, Vetsuisse faculty, University of Zürich, CH