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What kind of samples does Vetscope Pathologie analyse?


Vetscope Pathologie examines fine needle aspirates of tumors and organs, body cavity fluids, synovial fluid, tracheal and bronchial wash fluids, urine sediments, smears of vaginal and prepucial swabs as well as imprints and scrapings from the skin.



What is included in a cytological analysis?


Smears are stained with the May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining method, followed by a thorough cytological evaluation by the pathologist.


With body cavity fluids, synovial fluids and urine the specific gravity and the total protein concentration is determined. In addition, the number of cells can be determined upon request. We then prepare one smear each from the liquid directly and after centrifugation, which is stained and evaluated subsequently. Cell-poor liquids may be transferred by cytospin technique on the glass slide.


Please always prepare 1-3 smears from the aspirated fluid immediately after aspiration if possible, and submit these together with the aspirated fluid for cytological analysis. On these immediately prepared smears the cells are usually much better preserved compared to the cells on the smears prepared on the following day by Vetscope Pathologie. With this simple and quick procedure you substantially improve the quality of the sampling material.



Is there a reduced price for concurrent cytological and histopathological analyses?


Vetscope Pathologie charges a reduced price for the cytological analysis when samples of the same patient for concurrent cytological and histopathological analyses are submitted.

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