Which animals are accepted for necropsy?
Vetscope Pathologie perfoms necropies on mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates up to 10 kg body weight. Due to the regulations of notifiable diseases, Vetscope Pathology cannot investigate ruminants, pigs and wildlife animals.
What is included in a necropsy?
A necropsy comprises a macroscopical evaluation of the carcass and the organs, and, if necessary for the diagnosis, the histopathological evaluation of 1-2 organs/tissues (excl. CNS). The histological analyis of more organs and the CNS is possible with extended costs.
Samples for supplementary microbiological analyses may be transferred to our partner lab MicroBioS GmbH and other qualified labs in Switzerland upon request.
Is the cremation possible after necropsy?
Animal carcasses can be transferred to the crematory of your choice after necropsy. Please clarify the wish for a cremation with the animal owner before sumitting the carcass to Vetscope Pathologie. It is important to know that the owner will not be able to see her/his animal after necropsy.